Jon Peters, MD, MS, FAAFP
Dr. Peters completed a BS in Zoology from Arizona State University, an MS in Biology from Northern Arizona University, an MD from the University of Texas Southwestern Medical School in Dallas, and was awarded the degree of Fellow by the American Academy of Family Physicians in 2007.
His interest in origins and the evolution-creation struggle began in 1971 after reading the 1960s book “The Genesis Flood” by Whitcomb and Morris while pursuing his undergraduate studies during his evangelical days. He has been the recipient of several teaching awards including a Master Teacher Award from The Oregon Health & Science University where he was an Affiliate Associate Professor and the Resident Teacher Award from the Society of Teachers of Family Medicine.
He is married and the father of four daughters and four grandchildren. He spends his free time hiking and biking in the summer and downhill skiing in the winter especially with his wife and friends.
He is active promoting secular humanism and reason, having served on the Advisory Board of CFI Portland (Center For Inquiry) for 10 years, starting a secular humanist group in east Portland that grew to over 900 Meetup members, and giving lectures on evolution and creationism throughout the Northwest, especially the newer DNA findings that show humans must have shared a common ancestor with our great ape cousins.
An interview from December, 2022 where I speak on various issues:
Many thanks go to Jim Hudlow for all the editing and proofing. My wife is forever confused why I spend so much time arguing and debating apologists when it's obvious to her that nothing about religion is believable. And the chance of changing a believer's views nearly non-existent. I'm sure my kids don't understand my preoccupation with beating a dead theological horse. I guess the feeling of being betrayed as a teen by those who speak in God's name branded me for life. And thanks to Deborah Newman for constructing this site and teaching me how to add and change it.
Two true stories about me...
It's a Boy!
While an intern, I was doing an OB rotation at the local county hospital. A young girl, pregnant for the first time, came in to give birth and I assigned myself to help her. I stayed up all night to check on her and helped her through the labor and delivery. With a few hours of night remaining I was able to get to my bunk for a quick break.
The next morning we did rounds on all the newborns and moms from the previous 24 hours. The nurses called me over to one of the newborns to look at the baby. She had named him after me. If that was not enough to choke me up, I have only daughters and this became my "son". I have four wonderful daughters and grandchildren, so my life is rich in many ways.​​​​​​​
The Thank You Note
I was a pre-med my first year as an undergraduate majoring in Zoology at the University of Arizona when I became disillusioned with the pre-meds around me and also got excited about biology when a biology grad student working in the field took me with him to see his research. So I went on to complete a BS in Zoology and MS in biology before moving into college teaching. I eventually secured a full time position at a college in Texas.
At a conference for biology teachers, I really enjoyed a speaker's presentation so I just wrote him a thank you note not expecting anything to come of it. But he wrote back wondering if I wanted to do some research with him as he needed some ground squirrels in my area. So I recruited some of my students and we set up some traps on the local golf course and obtained cages to use in a campus building that was empty. I then ran them up in my car several times to the University of Texas San Antonio Medical Center. We worked well together so he suggested that I go for a PhD in his lab, something I had always wanted to do. But when I spoke to several of his post-docs their futures looked uncertain due to all the competition for academic positions and low pay; I decided to pass. A year later I found myself as a co-author on a publication.
Forward a couple of years and due to several issues I found myself interested in medical school again. So I studied like crazy for four months (it had been 10 years since my last physics, calculus and organic chemistry courses), did well on the MCAT, and applied. Texas has many outstanding medical schools and I got accepted to all of them, including Baylor which was ranked at that time as the #12 best medical school in America behind Harvard, Yale, San Francisco, Washington and others. I decided to attend the University of Texas SW Medical school which I think was rated #15 that year out of about 126. The reasons I got in were several, but a publication from a medical school helped a lot I'm sure. And it began with a thank you note.
In case anyone would be interested in my story of how, when and why I left Christianity, interview is below:
Background Information
Place of Birth: Spokane, Washington
American Academy of Family Physicians - Fellow - October 6, 2007,
Scottsdale Memorial Hospital Family Medicine Residency, Scottsdale, Arizona, Residency - July 1, 1989 to June 22, 1991
Scottsdale Memorial Hospital Family Medicine Residency, Scottsdale, Arizona, Internship - July 1, 1988 to June 30, 1989
University of Texas Southwestern Medical School, Dallas, Texas - M.D. - June 4, 1988
Northern Arizona University, Flagstaff, Arizona - M.S., Biology - May 16, 1980
Arizona State University, Tempe, Arizona - B.S., Zoology - December 19, 1975
University of Arizona, Tucson, Arizona - Biology studies - August, 1971 to December, 1973
Teaching Credentials
California Community College Instructor: Biological and Zoological Sciences, #210670, 12/5/79. Life
Arizona Community College Instructor: Biological Sciences, #1934, 8/80. Life
Medical Certifications
FLEX, 8/25/1989
American Board of Family Practice, Diplomat: 1991, 1997, 2003, 2013
Oregon (MD) 10/9/1992: #18051
Work Experience
12/2021 - Retired - Adventist Health Primary Care Clinic, Clackamas, Oregon, Locum physician
1992 - 2020 - Family Medical Group, NE, 2647 Northeast 33rd Avenue, Portland, Oregon 97212, Private Practice
1993 - 1997 - Willamette Falls Immediate Care Center, 9775 SE Sunnyside Rd, Clackamas, Oregon 97015, Urgent Care Physician
1991 - 1992 - The Vancouver Clinic. Battle Ground Office, 2201 W. Main St., Battle Ground, Washington, Private Practice, Utilization Review Committee
1981 - 1984 -Tenure Tract, Full Time, Department of Biology, Laredo Community College, Laredo, Texas
1980 - 1981 - Adjunct Professor, Visiting Staff, Department of Life Sciences, Scottsdale Community College, Scottsdale, Arizona
1980 Spring - Teaching Internship, Department of Biology and Health Sciences, Palo Verde College, Blythe, California
1977 - 1980 - Teaching and Research Assistant, Department of Biological Sciences, Northern Arizona University, - Flagstaff, Arizona
Professional Appointments
2002 to 2023 - Affiliate Associate Professor, Department of Medicine, School of Medicine,
The Oregon Health & Science University, Portland, Oregon.
1994 to 2002 - Affiliate Assistant Professor, Department of Medicine, School of Medicine,
The Oregon Health & Science University, Portland, Oregon
1992 to 1994 - Affiliate Instructor, Department of Medicine, School of Medicine,
The Oregon Health & Science University, Portland, Oregon
1981 to 1984 - Professor of Biology, Department of Biology, Laredo Community College,
Laredo, Texas. Tenure Tract.
1980 to 1981- Adjunct Professor, Department of Life Sciences, Scottsdale Community College, Scottsdale, Arizona.
1980 - Instructor of Biology, Department of Biology and Health Sciences, Palo Verde Community College,
- Blythe, Calif. (Internship)
1978 to 1979 - Teaching Assistant, Department of Biological Sciences, Northern Arizona University, Flagstaff, Arizona
1977 to 1979 - Research Assistant, National Park Service, through the Department of Biological Sciences,
Northern Arizona University, Flagstaff, Arizona
Courses Taught
Biology 101L | PCC | General Biology lab for non-majors.
Biology 411 | LCC | General Biology I. An introductory course for science majors. Lab.
Biology 412 | LCC | General Biology II. The continuation of 411. Lab.
Biology 401 | LCC | Introduction to Biology I. An introductory course for non science majors. Lab.
Biology 402 | LCC | Introduction to Biology II. The continuation of 401. Lab.
Biology 110 | SCC | Biology Concepts. An introductory course for non-science majors. Lab.
Biology 107 | SCC | Environmental Biology. An introductory course for non-science majors that stresses ecology
and current problems.
Chem. 231L | SCC | Introduction to Organic Chemistry Lab. A sophomore course designed to the needs of students in Nursing and Chemical Technology.
Biology 39 | PVC | Basic Microbiology. An introductory course for science and non-science majors. Team taught.
Biology 40 | PVC | Basics of Biology. An introductory course for science and non-science majors. Audio tutorial.
Biology 322L | NAU | Entomology Lab. Classification, ecology, and physiology of insects. Science majors.
Biology 103L | NAU | General Zoology Lab. Principles of animal functions and forms including physiology, evolution, and a survey of the Animal Kingdom. Science majors.
Publications & Reports
Peters, Jon F. 2023. Sudden Loss of all Fingernails and Toenails. The Journal of Family Practice. April, 2023. Vol. 72, No. 3. pp. 138 - 139.
Peters, Jon F. 2022. YouTube. Whale Evolution as an Example of Macroevolution.
Part 1: Living Whales. Part 2: Fossils. Part 3: DNA Evidence.
Part 1: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rmtEMy2ElnE
Part 2: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2fUaVdp6w3c&t=7s
Part 3: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5RP9Z0uXQx4
Weiss, Lawrence J. and Jon F. Peters. 1991. Intern's Survival Manual, 3rd. ed. Scottsdale Memorial Hospital Family Practice Residency Program. 19pp.
Peters, Jon F. 1984. A Field Guide To Texas Medical Schools. Laredo Community College Yeary Library. Laredo, Texas. Vols. I and II. 579pp.
Reiter, Russell J. and Jon F. Peters. 1984. Non-Suppressibility By Room Light of Pineal N-Acetly- transferase Activity and Melatonin Levels in Two Diurnally Active Rodents, The Mexican Ground Squirrel (Spermophilus mexicanus) and the Eastern Chipmunk (Tamias striatus). Endocrine Research 10(2): 113-121.
Peters, Jon F. and Richard C. Renner. 1984. Nebulous Virus Taxonomy. Letters to the Editor. BioScience 34(10):603.
Perez, C., J. Peters, and P. Vaughan. 1983. Laboratory Involvements for General Biology II. Department of Biology, Laredo Community College. Laredo, Texas. 84pp.
Peters, Jon F. 1982. Teaching Biology. Letters to the Editor. BioScience 32(7): 565.
Peters, Jon F. 1982. An Analysis of Computer Assisted Instructional Materials Currently Available for the Biological Sciences. Prepared for the Office of Curriculum and Staff Development, Laredo Community College. Laredo, Texas. 22pp.
Peters, Jon F. 1982. An Introduction to Computers with an Emphasis on The IBM 5100. Department of Biology, Laredo Community College. Laredo, Texas. 18pp.
Peters, Jon F. 1981. The Effects of an Outbreak of Tridepia nova (Smith) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) on Four-wing Saltbush, Atriplex canescens (Pursh) Nutt. Pan-Pacific Entomologist 57(3): 443-446.
Peters, J.F. and C.D. Johnson. 1981. A Survey of Arthropod Communities of Sunset Crater and Wupatki
National Monuments (Spring, 1979) With Comments About Two Previous Surveys, pp. III 1-46. IN: Natural Resource Survey and Analysis of Sunset Crater and Wupatki National Monuments, G.C. Bateman (ed.), 1981. Office of Natural Resources Management, Southwest Region, National Park Service. 189pp.
Peters, Jon F. 1980. Solving Population Genetics Problems. Department of Biology and Health Sciences, Palo Verde Community College. Blythe, California. 15pp.
Peters, Jon F. and C.D. Johnson. 1980. Arthropods, pp. III 1-66. IN: Natural Resource Survey and Analysis of Sunset Crater and Wupatki National Monuments, G.C. Bateman (ed.), 1980. Office of Natural Resources Management, Southwest Region, National Park Service. 282 pp.
Peters, Jon F. 1979. Comparative Population Dynamics of Insects in Four Northern Arizona Plant Communities. Master of Science Thesis, Northern Arizona University, Flagstaff, Arizona. 135pp.
Peters, J. F. and C. D. Johnson. 1978. Survey of Arthropod Communities of Sunset Crater and Wupatki National Monuments, pp. II 1-33. IN: Natural Resource Survey and Analysis of Sunset Crater and Wupatki National Monuments, G.C. Bateman (ed.), 1978. Office of Natural Resources Management, Southwest Region, National Park Service. 152pp.
Activities and Awards
Master Teacher Award, The Oregon Health and Science University, Department of Family Medicine, School of Medicine: 2001 – 2006.
Affiliate Associate Professor, Department of Family Medicine, School of Medicine, The Oregon Health & Science University, 2002 - present.
Medical Clinics Volunteer Award, Neighborhood Health Clinics, Inc. May 2, 1998.
Mentorship Award, The Oregon Health and Science University, Department of Family Medicine, May 31, 1997.
Medical Director (Volunteer), Neighborhood Health Clinics, Inc. 4945 NE 7th, Portland, OR 97211. 1995 to 2002.
Affiliate Assistant Professor, Department of Family Medicine, School of Medicine, The Oregon Health & Science University, 1994 to 2002.
Affiliate Instructor, Department of Family Medicine, School of Medicine, The Oregon Health & Science University, 1992 - 1994.
James L. Grobe, M.D. Nominee, Outstanding Arizona Third Year Family Practice Resident, 1991.
Resident Teacher Award, Society of Teachers of Family Medicine, 1991.
Burroughs-Wellcome Family Practice Resident Scholar, 1990.
Resident Consortium Representative, Arizona Academy of Family Physicians, 1990
Fred F. Florence Scholar, University of Texas Southwestern Medical School, Dallas, 1984.
Secretary-Treasurer, South Texas Association of Biologists, 1983.
Tri-Beta National Biological Honor Society, 1975.
Dean's List, Arizona State University, 1975.
Honorable Mention List, University of Arizona, 1972.
Amigos de Las Americas Medical and Educational team to South America (Nicaragua), 1971.
Burroughs-Wellcome Family Practice Resident Scholar and Scottsdale Memorial Family Practice Center Grants, 1990, $1300.00
Texas Needy Scholarship, 1987. $500.00
Pre-doctoral Fellowship, Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, University of Texas, Southwestern Medical Center, 1986, $700.00
Fred F. Florence Scholar, University of Texas, Southwestern Medical School Foundation Scholarship, 1984, $1500.00
NSF consultant stipend for Biological Research Skills Program, Department of Biology, Laredo Junior College, 1982, $450.00
Research Grant, Office of Curriculum and Staff Development, Laredo Junior College, 1982, $1300.00
Teaching Internship, Palo Verde Community College, California, 1980, $2500.00
Teaching Fellowship, Northern Arizona University, Flagstaff, 1979, $600.00
Research Grants, National Park Service, 1979, $1600.00
Northern Arizona University, Flagstaff 1978, $2142.00 & 1977, $2000.00
Nature Conservancy
Oregon Public Broadcasting
Friends of the Columbia River Gorge
Center for Inquiry